Home Trending news Why DP Rigathi Gachagua refuses to take tea at statehouse

Why DP Rigathi Gachagua refuses to take tea at statehouse


The infighting in the Kenya Kwanza Alliance has taken a new twist with an explosive letter by Public Service Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria to Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua.

In the letter, the outspoken CS raised 10 issues that he wanted Gachagua to address in order to convince him about the push for Mt. Kenya unity.

In the letter, Kuria claimed the deputy president no longer takes tea at the State House meeting, fearing he could be poisoned. Kuria wondered what such a move would mean for the Cabinet Secretaries who attend meetings at Gachagua’s Karen home.

“Now you have refused to even have a cup of tea in State House, saying you fear you will be poisoned. Make me understand how you now expect us to feel safe coming to your Karen residence for Cabinet Committee meetings. Won’t you also poison us now that you have a good idea of how poisoning works?” Kuria posed.

Victoria sweeny – When will this government start working and delivering, juu ni dramas tu na attention and trying to divert our attention from the issues affecting us as Kenyans.

Frank Gitau – I guess the DP has a wife,it’s not a must for him to dine where his conscience is refuting to synchronise with.

Samuel nguruiya- While things are this hot a reshuffle is roaming and Moses kuria suffer the consequences of all that is happening

Martin ngawe – How come Gachagua can refuse to take a cup of tea at statehouse where he had placed alot of traps to trap Raila Amolo Odinga? I once told these politicians, Raila Odinga is a spirit but no one believed. At the moment who knows Raila is in Malawi representing president Ruto?

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