Unique thing Rachel Ruto, Margaret kenyatta and ida odinga share

Sometimes you can spot a successful woman without knowing anything about her. It's not the outward accoutrements like having nice things, but how she...

Meet the powerful brother of Fred Matiang’i and job he does

There is no doubt CS Fred matiang'i was one of the powerful figures in Jubilee government Managing to earn trust from President Uhuru Kenyatta. Looking...

gods must be crazy main actor paid $235 upfront later found dead in woods

An actor who starred in a film which grossed more than £55million was paid just £235 upfront for his lead role. The late N!xau Toma...

This cute Princess was painfully executed with lover in saudi Arabia. Here is why

In 1980, a drama was screened in the UK which was to reshape perceptions of Saudi Arabia, a key Middle East ally. Death of...

The Current Job of Johnson Mwakazi after Leaving Citizen TV and life struggles

Former Citizen TV news presenter Johnson Mwakazi came from a humble background but his golden voice earned him a place on the high table The...

Top officer loses here statehouse joob after Ogolla death. What next for her ?

Former deputy Aide-de-camp to President William Ruto, Lieutenant Colonel Damaris Agnetta ( Photo Courtesy) She was thrust into the limelight in 2022 soon after President...

The Bad ending of police boss who hit Raila with wooden stick

ODM leader Raila Odinga is often described as the enigma of Kenyan politics, having been active for more than forty years, rubbing shoulders with...

Pesa ni tamu. Photos of CS Davis Chirchir Rural house worthy billions

President Ruto on Sunday landed in Bomet County for a Church Service at AGC Chebango Church located near Davis Chirchir's Rural Home. Hence there was...

The only woman who married 2 presidents from different countries

Graca Machel born on 17 October 1945, she is a Mozambican, the writer of “The Impacts Of War On Children”, she the solitary woman...

Tahidi High OJ Current job after leaving citizen tv

Arguably one of Freddy's partners in crime, OJ portrayed his character with class - exhibiting the bad boy persona. This earned him a spotlight...

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