Onion uses

Onions are not only meanth for cooking. Here are other untold benefits they can...

Onions, often relegated to a mere cooking ingredient, possess surprising versatility beyond the kitchen. Here's a comprehensive look at various innovative uses for onions: 1....

Painful results of dating married man

When a woman has an affair with a married man, it is mostly because he seems like a complete package. Besides, the sneaking around...

How to remove ants and mites at home Forever using colgate

with the toothpaste hack: it's the most powerful and it's applied like this Ingredients: 3 tablespoons of sugar 4 tablespoons of flour 3 tablespoons of toothpaste 3 tablespoons of...

Never shower during this time of the day. It’s dangerous

It's a cleanliness topic that's likely been debated since the first shower was invented in 1767: When's the ideal time of day to hop...

This is what happens to your brain if you eat head of fish

Eating fish, including the head, has been a practice in many cultures for centuries. The head of a fish, often discarded in Western culinary...

Incase snake bites you,do this to save your life

Knowing whether a snake bite is dangerous or not can be difficult. This article explains what to do — including providing the proper first...

Secretive things women do while in bathroom alone

If you're anything like me, then you probably have a whole list of weird things you only do when you're alone, and then another...

Meaning if your woman has hair on the stomach

Excess body hair is often a symptom of an underlying medical problem. See your doctor for assessment if over a few months you experience...

Stomach cancer kills, avoid doing the following

Stomach cancer is caused by certain changes to the way stomach cells function, especially how they grow and divide into new cells. There are...

Why mike sonko wife was arrested by flying squad over vehicle bought from Ruto

Flying squad officers spotted Sonko's wife driving the car that the former governor bought from Ruto, leading to a dramatic chase and arrest. Former Nairobi...

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