Home biography Tahidi High OJ Current job after leaving citizen tv

Tahidi High OJ Current job after leaving citizen tv


Arguably one of Freddy’s partners in crime, OJ portrayed his character with class – exhibiting the bad boy persona. This earned him a spotlight at such a tender age. However, he quietly left the show, leaving fans wondering what had happened to him. 

Years later, Mugo revealed that he had been battling depression and addiction which led to him being kicked out of the show after he failed to turn up for work.

He, however, bounced back in 2022 seeking the Member of County Assembly seat for Ruguru Ngandori Ward in Embu on a United Democratic Alliance (UDA) ticket in the August General Election. But sadly lost the election

OJ now works for the Embu County Government in the Department of Youth Empowerment and Sports – specifically in the Talent Academy

“It is a creative space. We have film equipment and good studios and I am one of those in charge of running this facility. There’s so much talent in Embu and I am very happy to play my role in identifying and developing fresh talent,” he said.

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