Home biography The only town in kenya where no alcohol or cigarettes are sold...

The only town in kenya where no alcohol or cigarettes are sold and why


Deep in the vast Kiambu County lies Kijabe Town, a town highly associated with missionaries from the African Inland Church and known for not allowing the use of alcohol and cigarettes for residents in the area.

Situated in the cool and heavily forested county, it is a town where the local liquor licensing board does not get a single cent, nor do the police carry out raids on illicit brews, due to lack of establishments that harbour bars.

Many associate Kijabe town with the African Inland Church’s Kijabe mission hospital, which can be credited for the booming and fast-expanding town that seems to be tucked away in the deep woods.

Kijabe might be the only town where you cannot purchase cigarettes or take alcohol

Even with its population of 7,000 it still has no bar and nobody is allowed to smoke. Kijabe, established by Christian missionaries in early 1900, remains the utmost centre of Christian faith – a citadel of purity!

But besides this purity, Kijabe might be the only town in Kenya whose economy has always centered around mission work and where any investor in the small town has to sign an agreement with the Mission Station that they would not sell alcohol or open entertainment joints.


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