former school dreams portends a negative meaning to the dreamer. The spirit of darkness project people into the classroom of their former school. It...

If you want God to hear your prayers, do this 7 key things

If you seek divine intervention through prayer, aligning your heart and actions beforehand can deepen your connection and potentially enhance the effectiveness of your...

Oldest man in history who lived 969 years

Methuselah, in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament), patriarch whose life span as recorded in Genesis (5:27) was 969 years. Methuselah has survived in legend...
Dangerous dreams

11 ways to know if dream is from God

All of us have dreams. The question is whether or not any of these dreams are the type of dreams that are sent to...

The only person who was buried by God after Death. Here is why

If the reader of the first four books of the Torah still harbors any doubts as to the paramount importance of Moses to Israel’s...

The only country with bible in the flag containing bible verse

The Dominican Republic flag has a large central white cross and, right in the middle, the Coat of Arms is crowned with a blue...

Reason why catholic kiss the altar and bible

The practice of reverencing the altar with a kiss is one of the most ancient liturgical traditions and can be dated back to the...
Catholic nun vows

7 untold vows Catholic Nuns must take

The words sister and nun are used interchangeably in common speech, even among sisters themselves. Technically speaking, sister is a generic term that applies...

Top 10 countries with highest christian population. Only 3 African countries feature

The geographical center of Christianity is on the move again. The Christian faith started in the Middle East, spread to Europe, became dominant in the...

Pastor Ezekiel reveals the secret main reason of divorces and many single mothers

Pastor Ezekiel is a kenyan Preacher who has massive following because of his teachings and prayers. Ev. Ezekiel has now revealed the reason for many ...

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