Home education Ababu Namwamba’s 250million mega mansion in karen

Ababu Namwamba’s 250million mega mansion in karen


Ababu Namwamba was a Minister for Sports and Youth affairs of the Republic of Kenya. Thereafter Namwamba was elected to represent Budalangi Constituency in the National Assembly of Kenya in the Kenyan parliamentary election in the year 2007

He has made significant contributions to the democratization struggle in Kenya, from his days as a student leader at the University of Nairobi.

He holds a Bachelor of Laws Degree from the University of Nairobi and a Diploma in Legal Practice from the Kenya School of Law. He also holds a Master of Laws Degree (LLM) in International Law from American University Washington College of Law

Foreign Affairs Cabinet Assistant Secretary Ababu Namwamba strikes an image of one of the few government officials who understand a thing or two about class.

His fashion sense, confident attitude, and noteworthy achievements in Kenya’s political landscape at a ‘young age’ make him one of the most accomplished and yet humble leaders.

In this article, Lets looks into the former Budalangi Mp’s classy mansion in the leafy suburbs of Karen in Nairobi.

They say money can’t buy you happiness or taste, but it can buy you a whole heap of stuff – and when you own a mega-mansion in the exclusive Karen neighbourhood of Nairobi, a man of Ababu’s stature will tell you it’s all about making the right calculations in life.

Sitting on one acre of prime land, the multiple zone home with 11 bedrooms, a swimming pool and wide lawns is no doubt one of the most innovative contemporary bungalows of our recent times.

The house is surrounded by a well-manicured garden where the CS has fun with his children by playing football and exercising. The mansion features a red tiled roof and could be easily mistaken for state or consulate houses. Namwamba’s white mansion appears to have two, with large balconies on the second floor. The mansion is surrounded by a green hedge and an electric fence to keep off intruders. A cabro paved driveway leads from the gate to the majestic building with huge windows

On the current market value, it would fetch no less than Kshs 250 million to acquire an exact copy of the mansion.

Besides, Ababu owns an iconic residence in Magoye Beach in Budalangi which serves as his rural Home.

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