Home biography Meet William Ruto son in law who is Professor in law

Meet William Ruto son in law who is Professor in law

William ruto son in law

President William Ruto’s daughter June Ruto married Nigerian national Dr. Alexander Ezenagu in a ceremony in Karen, Nairobi.

William ruto son in law

The ceremony occurred after President William Ruto had weeks earlier played host to his Nigerian in-laws as he embarked on giving his daughter June Ruto away for marriage.

The glamourous engagement part saw the merging of two cultures, the Kalenjin community and their counterparts from Nigeria – the Igbos. The couple of the day was June and Dr Alexander Ezenagu, following successful negotiation of the bride price

Dr. Alexander Ezenagu is the Founder and Chief Consultant of Sapient Consulting Group, a full-service professional firm, with offices in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, and the Democratic Republic of Congo, amongst others.

He holds a PhD in Civil Law from McGill University, Canada, and is a Professor of law with a career spanning over 13 years across Africa, Europe, and the Middle East.He was, until recently, a Professor of Law at Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU), and a member of Qatar Foundation, Qatar.Dr. Ezenagu is a prolific author and has several articles published in high-impact journals.

He was named director of the newly established free trade department at Strathmore University and Senior Research Fellow at the school.

The researcher was given the responsibility of directing the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) Policy and Development Centre, according to a release from Strathmore University Business School

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