Home biography Kenyan billionare who had one pair and uses one pair of shoe...

Kenyan billionare who had one pair and uses one pair of shoe uses bodaboda for transport


The first image that usually appears in my mind is of someone who is extremely wealthy possibly more than they can manage and who drives expensive automobiles and lives in a fancy home, among other symbols of affluence


Narendra Raval does not need any introduction. The 62 year old founder of Devki Group, which produces cement, steel products, and mabati (with over Sh100 billion annual revenues) is without a doubt one of Kenya’s most successful entrepreneurs.

He is reportedly worth an incredible $500 million, or Sh50 billion, based on the Forbes list of the 50 wealthiest individuals in Africa.

Guru, as he is fondly referred to by his friends, is self-made and has a combination of ruthless business strategies, tactical brilliance, and a passion for philanthropy that makes him an enviable character that any aspiring business person can learn from.

Born in 1962 in a little-known village of Mathak in Gujarat, India, Raval moved to Kenya as a teenager to serve as a priest’s assistant in a Kisumu temple

Raval is the epitome of philanthropy, embodied in his relentless quest, He runs children’s homes, has adopted many government schools, built classrooms in others, and feeds thousands of poor children.

He owns one pair of ordinary $60 official shoes, a simple mobile phone, six ties and four suits, because his “wife insists I need more than one suit.”

He has no wallet, and no credit or debit cards.

He wrote an autobiography called ‘Guru; A Long Walk to Success’ that he says has sold over Sh100 million, money he has donated to charity, every last cent.

In a nation where the affluent and famous are known for their show off and acquisition of pricey accessories and collections, Raval has emerged as one of the most modest billionaires despite his enormous wealth, which is still growing at an exponential rate.

Raval stated in a different interview with Citizen Tv that he still enjoys being on the streets and still stops by roadside stands to get food and strike up conversations with local business owners.

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