Home biography Vitimbi mama kayai biography, husband and real name

Vitimbi mama kayai biography, husband and real name


Mary Kavere, popularly known as Mama Kayai, is a veteran actor in Kenya and one of the thespians acknowledged for pioneering the acting industry in Kenya.She has been in the industry for about four decades. In 2018 she was honored with the Grand Warrior Award which is also the feted induction to the Riverwood Awards Hall of Fame.

She came into the public limelight in the 1980s following the premier of a popular comical family show, Vitimbi, in 1985 in the state-owned Kenya Broadcasting Corporation then known as Voice of Kenya (VOK). She later featured in another popular drama Vioja Mahakamani. In the recent days she has been acting in another TV show Jungu Kuu  that’s aired on K24.

Mama Kayai was acting as the wife of also another celebrated thespian, the late Benson Wanjau, popularly known as Mzee Ojwan’g  and the two were celebrated as the power couple of Kenyan comedy.[6] Mzee Ojwang, christened the father of family comedy died of pneumonia in 2015.

The Vitimbi crew led by Mama Kayai and Mzee Ojwan’g were always accorded an opportunity to entertain the nation in all national holidays.

Mama kayai husband and children

Mary Kavere was married to the late Saidiel Matano. They have five sons. She is now a grandmother.

She started her journey in the creative sector as a traditional dancer and singer with a group, known as The Black Golden Stars, in Majengo, Pumwani where she grew up. Kavere later met Mzee Ojwan’g and Lucy Wangui (who played a judge on Vioja Mahakamani), in one of her acting auditions. She acknowledges the two for mentoring her and helping nurture her career in acting.

She made her acting debut in the programme Darubini in 1980 before moving to Vitimbi and Vioja Mahakamani respectively both airing on

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