Home Trending news Former statehouse man languishing in cold after defying and supporting Raila

Former statehouse man languishing in cold after defying and supporting Raila


Franklin Bett was once seen as the future of South Rift politics especially after the death of former Bomet MP Kipkalya Kones in helicopter crash in 2008.

At the time, he was Bureti MP having been elected during the 2007 general election on an ODM party ticket.

The death of Kones was a blessing in disguise for him as he was appointed as the new roads minister

Following the bitter fallout between the ODM party leader Raila Odinga and then Eldoret North MP William Ruto, Bett opted to stay put in the orange party as Ruto led mass exodus from the giant party.

But this would prove to be his biggest political miscalculation. He has never recovered from the aftermath of that costly political blunder!

Bett would serve as the director of the ODM elections board in the run up to the 2013 general election as Dr Ruto went on to be elected as Kenya’s first Deputy President.

The former cabinet minister tried to make political comeback in 2017 when he unsuccessfully ran for the Kericho MP seat, losing to the incumbent Aaron Cheruiyot.

For the man who once carried the aspirations of the whole community on his shoulders, the former State House Controller finds himself languishing in the cold. Sticking with Raila would prove to be hid biggest political Waterloo

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