Home biography Interesting facts about Citizen TV maria boss Daniel

Interesting facts about Citizen TV maria boss Daniel


Maria is a TV series which was aired on Citizen TV every 7.30pm. It revolves around Lead actress maria who is in Love with Luwi hausa, who hails from rich family. However her love wont be easy as she has to battle Sofia who is the legal wife of Luwi.

Maria recently introduced Mr. Daniel, a rich Man who is now Maria new boss. Mr. Daniel is the former Personal Assistant to Sandra and has serious health issues.


1. His real name is Chris Kamau

2. He is oldest of three children and I have a younger sister and brother.

3. Chris Kamau describes himself as is a creative. He’s an Arts, Communication, Entertainment and Media Practitioner with more than 15 years’ experience in radio, stage, television and film.

4. He is alumnus of Berkley College of Music in Boston, Massachusetts, and a graduate from the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, New York, USA.

5. He is commonly known as the golden 1980 Blue Band Golden Boy

5. He is commonly known as the golden 1980 Blue Band Golden Boy

6. He is currently chairman of Kenya actors Guild

7. He is also Monthly sports writer

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