Home Trending news Bad news to JSS teachers as TSC Releases statement on their confirmation

Bad news to JSS teachers as TSC Releases statement on their confirmation


hiring of all 46,000 Junior Secondary School interns faces potential challenges following a budget cut by the Treasury intended for managing the exercise.

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) had initially requested a budget allocation of Ksh30 billion, Ksh18 billion of which was expected to facilitate the hiring process.

However, during last week’s budget presentation in Parliament, the Treasury announced an allocation of an additional Ksh13.4 billion for the recruitment drive

This allocation represents an increase from the Ksh8.3 billion approved by the National Assembly’s Budget and Appropriation Committee to initiate the recruitment of interns on a permanent and pensionable basis.

Chairperson of the National Assembly Budget and Appropriation Committee, Ndindi Nyoro, announced that the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has been allocated Ksh.18 billion to ensure these intern teachers are hired on permanent and pensionable terms.

Nyoro stressed that TSC should implement this decision without delay.

“We have allocated Ksh.18 billion to the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) to ensure all intern teachers are hired on permanent and pensionable terms, and TSC must not wait until January,” Nyoro added.

The National Assembly has designated Sh8.3 billion to the TSC to convert 26,000 teachers hired last year to permanent terms by July, leaving out 20,000 others.

These funds were allocated based on recommendations from the Committee on Education. Initially, TSC planned to make these conversions in January 2025.

According to TSC which is set to meet education Committee today, the funds allocated are not enough to convert all interns to pnp terms and therefore need extra funds.

Sylivia sien – Then they should stop hiring interns… They created this problem themselves

Morris meme – I think moguls were being played by being deceived that they will all be absorbed so that they can end the strike only to be told the budget available is only for half of them. I said in Zakayo’s regime unless you have seen things happen, never believe them

Gabriel -So all the Treasury officials cant do this simple calculations of paying Js teachers ??
When the CS said 13.4bn is enough for employing all 46k teachers… So was he mad or TSC is paying some games with us ?



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