Home biography 5 Kenyan celebrities who scored A in exmas

5 Kenyan celebrities who scored A in exmas

Wahu kagwi

If you scored an ‘A’ in the 8-4-4 education system, then had it that you should take up a number of professions.

However, there is a couple of the 8-4-4 products who dared to follow their dreams and pursue their artistic talent despite performing quite well in school.

Today, we highlight some of the local celebrities who topped their class:

1 Fena Gitu

Fena, or if you like, Fenamenal, opened up about her academic life back in the days at Precious Blood Riruta. Arguably Kenya’s most sought-after female rapper, she disclosed that she was an ‘A’ student.

Speaking to Betty Kyallo, the sensational singer revealed that she scored A- in K.C.S.E, however, she still regrets not scoring an A.

2 wahu kagwi

Wahu kagwi

Rosemary Wahu Kagwi definitely did not joke when it came to working hard in class. The 39-year-old mother of two was at University of Nairobi, where she studied for a Bachelor of Science degree and majored in Mathematics.

Even though she has never made her grades public, the former Precious Blood Secondary School, Riruta student must have passed with ‘flying colors’ to gain an admission in that particular field of study. She also holds a master’s degree in communication.

3 Dj creme

Surprised? Well, wait for it… George Njuguna aka Dj Crème was index one in primary school, scored an A- in KCSE and graduated with a second-upper division Bachelor of Science degree in computer science from Kabarak University.

He is not only a master of disc joking, crème is a proven case of hard work never goes unpaid. Years back, deejaying was viewed as the easiest way out for those who did not do well in school. Dj Crème has disapproved the stereotypes.

4 king kaka

Kennedy Ombima, yes, we are talking about Kaka Sungura of the Kaka empire! The father of two was among the top KCSE students in 2006. An alumnus of Eastleigh High School, Rabbit scored an A- in the exams. He later joined Kenya College of Accounts where he graduated with a degree in accounts.

Rabbit, however, chose to rap instead of balancing books, a decision that, according to him, disappointed his parents.

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