Home Trending news Stop funding demos and leave president ruto alone..late night message to..

Stop funding demos and leave president ruto alone..late night message to..


The former Head of State shared his condolences with Kenyans who lost their lives during Tuesday’s protest saying it was their constitutional right to picket.

Uhuru affirmed his support to Kenyans and urged leaders to “Talk to the people and not at the people.”

Uhuru made the remarks shortly after President William Ruto addressed the nation. In his address, Ruto expressed the Tuesday events as treasonous.

Ruto alleged that the peaceful protests had been hijacked by criminal elements adding that the government would counter their actions.

“I have directed all organs of our national security to deploy measures to thwart any attempts by dangerous criminals to undermine the security and stability of our country,” Ruto stated.

Now popular political analyst has weighted into debate after uhuru Kenyatta released a concurrent statement on ongoing demonstrations

Ngunyi questioned Kenyatta’s involvement, stating, “When Kibaki faced a crisis, did Moi issue statements? No! When Uhuru fought with Raila did Kibaki get involved? Zero. Why is Uhuru all over Ruto? Why demean Ruto when in crisis? Uhuru should bagger off! Unless he is the one financing the uprising. This is the problem, people!”


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