Home bible and prayers Pastor Ezekiel reveals the secret main reason of divorces and many single...

Pastor Ezekiel reveals the secret main reason of divorces and many single mothers


Pastor Ezekiel is a kenyan Preacher who has massive following because of his teachings and prayers.

Ev. Ezekiel has now revealed the reason for many  divorce rates and single parents. The main reason is spiritual husbands and wives. When you dream to be intimate with someone in dream whether you know him or don’t to him, eventually you may start having problems in your marriage however peaceful you were before those dreams. It brings spirit of divorce and rejection.

These dreams can cause the following effects

These demons who will take different forms usually give notice of their presence to their victims by coming regularly in the dream to have love union with them. Sometimes the victims will have dreams of having children and living married, while in the physical, the reverse is the case.

1 Hatred towards your spouse : When you suddenly develop hatred towards your spouse without a cause to the point of nursing murderous thought towards him or her.

2 Hatred Towards Opposite gender: Another sign of being under the attack of a spirit husband/wife is that when you have an aversion towards the opposite

3 Constant destruction of things: Spirit husband/Wife can be so jealous of the physical spouse thereby causing damage on the things like car, generator, phones and other gadgets owned by the earthly spouse.

4 Constant Miscarriages/Barrenness : The wickedness in the heart of the spirit husband who doesn’t want his ‘wife’ to have earthly children can make him suck the pregnancy whenever the wife is pregnant. Cases like this are beyond medical attention and if not arrested early enough, it may lead to barrenness

5 Sudden Death of A Spouse: The hostility and jealous lifestyle of a spirit spouse can make him kill the earthly spouse. Some people have been having this issue that whosoever married them will die suddenly without prior sickness or health issues without knowing that it could be a spirit spouse at work

6 Serial Broken Relationships : Broken relationship should not be a regular occurrence in life. Once you noticed that people you love keep walking out of your life without any quarrel or misunderstanding, then there is more to it than ordinary. The spirit spouse may be responsible for chasing potential suitor from you.

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