Home Trending news Gachagua requests 400million to buy new cars and renovate his office

Gachagua requests 400million to buy new cars and renovate his office


Deputy President noted the reports by a section of the media contrasted the exact figures requested by his office to the national treasury.

According to the DP, he only requested Ksh300 million for the renovation of his Harambee House Annex Office, Nairobi, and his other official residence in Mombasa.

Similarly, Gachagua revealed that his office also requested Ksh100 million to facilitate the purchase of new cars.

The DP noted that for the last 10 years, the office of the Deputy President heavily relied on old and refurbished vehicles for service delivery.

While defending the Ksh100 million request for cars, Gachagua stated that the old cars were costly to maintain thus hampered his work.

Additionally, the Harambee House Annex Office and Mombasa Residence had been neglected over the last 15 years affecting critical areas of habitability, safety and security.

Freddie Mwakie – Welcome to Kenya where A materials are ruled and employed by D materials.

Emmanuel  – “We inherited a dilapidated economy.” They constantly yell and blame Uhuru for the economy but when it comes to luxuries such as DP’s residence renovation and upgrading his fleet, there’s money and no one talks about the “dilapidated economy”. Woe unto us,voters,for electing these crooked,selfish and vision less politicians. It has “eaten” us!

John wangari – But the same government has no money for the school feeding program .. indeed uhuru warned us

Benson Akeyo – Is better school children goes angry for you to do renovation, God is watching over you

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