Home biography Details of uhuru Kenyatta sister who owns largest flower farm in Africa

Details of uhuru Kenyatta sister who owns largest flower farm in Africa

Anna Nyokabi

President Uhuru Kenyatta’s siblings have to a large extent managed to keep away from the public eye, hence, little is known about their personal lives.

Anna Nyokabi

Anna Nyokabi Muthama, a sister to the head of state, is an entrepreneur, who owns the largest orchid farm in East and Central Africa.

The award-winning orchid farm is called ‘Manda orchids’ and is located in Kenya’s central province.

during the Kenya Horticultural Society’s 119th Flower and Plant Show, the flower farm won the special award for ‘Best Display of Cut Flowers’.

During the display, the farm exhibited more than half a dozen dazzling cymbidium orchids.

“We only grow our orchids on three acres, but that still makes us the largest commercial orchid growers in all of East and Central Africa,” Nyokabi told Business Daily in a previous interview

The floral farm’s website describes their signature cymbidium orchid as well-sought after for making events memorable.

Other than her orchid farm, Nyokabi also serves as a director at The Kenyatta Trust, which educates disadvantaged youth in academic, moral, spiritual, social, economic and life skills through the provision of financial aid, in the form of continued scholarships and mentorship.

Her niece Ngina Kenyatta, is also a director at the trust.

Nyokabi is often spotted beside former First Daughter Ngina Kenyatta at philanthropic efforts and also with First Lady Margaret Kenyatta especially during Beyond Zero Campaign events

She is among the Kenyatta family member named in the Pandora Papers. In the report it is alleged that she, along with her mother, sisters and brother former President Uhuru Kenyatta, have for decades shielded wealth from public scrutiny through foundations and companies in tax havens, including Panama, with assets worth more than $30 million, according to records obtained by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists and shared with more than 600 reporters and media organizations around the world.

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