Home Sports 3 Man u star players who lost everything after divorce

3 Man u star players who lost everything after divorce


There’s often news about footballers who lost either half of their properties in divorce or lost everything. Here, we are going to touch on 3 man u footballers who lost almost everything they’ve worked hard for after their divorce.

1 Louis saha

Louis Saha, a former French football sensation who graced the fields of Fulham, Manchester United, and Everton, experienced a significant downturn in his finances after his divorce from Aurelie Saha, joining the ranks of footballers who lost almost everything after divorce.

At the peak of his career, Louis Saha was one of the wealthiest footballers in France. However, the divorce saw him lose a substantial portion of his fortune, underscoring the challenges faced by footballers who lost almost everything after divorce and teaching him the importance of financial management.

Today, Louis Saha shares his experiences and expertise to educate players on safeguarding their hard-earned wealth, helping to prevent others from becoming footballers who lost almost everything after divorce.

2 Ryan Giggs

Ryan Giggs is a former football player who currently serves a football coach and lost half his fortune after divorcing his ex-wife in April 2017.

During the divorce proceedings, Riggs tried to disagree to dividing his £40 million into two for his ex-wife to take half, because according to him, he made “special contributions” during the marriage.

A couple of months after the back forth, he and his ex-wife came to an agreement on how to share his £40 million net worth before their divorce was finalised.

3 Wes Brown

Wes Brown, who once earned an impressive £50,000 per week during his time at Manchester United, declared bankruptcy just a year after his divorce, becoming one of the footballers who lost almost everything after divorce.

Wes Brown’s story serves as a cautionary tale about the financial impact divorce can have on even the highest-earning athletes, adding to the list of footballers who lost almost everything after divorce.

Despite his successful career, Wes Brown’s divorce left him in dire financial straits, emphasizing the importance of financial planning for footballers facing such life-changing events, and highlighting the struggles faced by footballers who lost almost everything after divorce.

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