Home biography Th prestigious job Francis Atwoli son does

Th prestigious job Francis Atwoli son does


Central Organization of Trade Unions (COTU) Francis Atwoli’s son, Professor Lukoye Atwoli, was in 2023 elected as an international member of the National Academy of Medicine (NAM), headquartered in Washington DC, United States of America.

This is among the highest honours in health and medicine as the role recognises individuals who have made significant contributions to the profession.

In a statement by Aga Khan University, Atwoli, who serves as the Dean of the institution’s Medical College, was elected for his contributions and advocacy of the mental health care policy, education and epidemiology globally

Lukoye was also chosen for leading two innovative medical schools as dean and co-chairing the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine’s Board on Global Health, among other achievements.

During its annual meeting, Lukoye was among 100 new members selected in the Academy. According to NAM President Victor Dzau, the new members’ contributions in the field of medicine remain unparalleled, and their expertise is essential in assisting NAM to tackle the health challenges experienced globally.

The new role comes as Lukoye was elected as an international member of the American Psychiatric Association (APA) in early January for his roles in supporting mental health research.

Aside from the appointments, Lukoye is a member of the World Health Organisation (WHO’s) World Mental Health Surveys Consortium, the leading collaborative project in the psychiatric field globally

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