Home Lifestyle and health NEVER MIX TEA WITH THESE 7 FOODS



Tea has multiple health benefits; white tea is rich in antibacterial properties and is instrumental in lowering cholesterol and blood pressure. Tea lovers often sip their tea by clubbing it with snacks or full-fledged meals, but did you know that it can have side effects too?


1 Green Veggies: Combining some foods together can be detrimental to the nutrition they usually provide. These compounds can bind with iron and prevent its absorption inside the body. Tea has compounds called tannins and oxalates which can inhibit the absorption of iron especially plant-based iron, as per NDTV. One should avoid eating plant-based iron-rich foods.

2 Lemon: Many people love lemon tea, but did you know when tea leaves are combined with lemon it can turn acidic. It can also cause bloating.

3 Turmeric: Avoid drinking tea with foods that are high in turmeric. The chemical elements present in tea and turmeric can harm the digestive system. It can produce acid reflux, according to a report in Zee News.

4 Green Veggies: Combining some foods together can be detrimental to the nutrition they usually provide. These compounds can bind with iron and prevent its absorption inside the body. Tea has compounds called tannins and oxalates which can inhibit the absorption of iron especially plant-based iron, as per NDTV. One should avoid eating plant-based iron-rich foods

5 Yogurt

Both tea and yogurt are acidic in nature and might cause digestion problem. Also having tea right after eating a meal that included curd may upset your stomach.

On the other hand, milk or cream can neutralise the polyphenols in tea, reducing their antioxidant benefits. However, this effect is less pronounced in black teas, and some people enjoy the creamy flavour of milk or cream in their tea. So, it’s a matter of personal preference.

6 Fried or greasy foods

Fried or greasy foods can be heavy and hard to digest, which can make you feel sluggish and uncomfortable. Tea can help aid digestion, but pairing it with heavy foods can negate this benefit

7 Spicy or strong-flavoured foods

Foods that are highly seasoned, spicy or strong-flavoured can overpower the delicate flavour of tea, making it difficult to fully appreciate the tea’s aroma and taste. Examples of such foods include garlic, onion, hot sauce, curry, and chili.

In general, it’s best to choose light, savoury snacks or delicate pastries that won’t overwhelm the flavour of the tea.

Foods that are high in fibre or protein can also help slow down the absorption of caffeine, preventing jitters and crashes. Ultimately, it’s up to you to experiment with different food and tea pairings to find what works best for your taste buds and body



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