Home biography Details of Musalia mudavadi wife and children and the job they do

Details of Musalia mudavadi wife and children and the job they do

Mudavadi Mudavadi family

Amani National Congress (ANC) leader Wycliffe Musalia Mudavadi has been on the political scene for more than two decades.

Mudavadi Mudavadi family

However, little is known about Mudavadi’s family, which might become Kenya’s first family, if he becomes the fifth president of Kenya.

Mudavadi has one wife, Tessy and three children namely; Moses, Michael and Maryanne.

Tessy Shangatti Mudavadi

She is the wife of Musalia Mudavadi.

Tessie met Musalia in Lugari at a public function to raise money for a school. The couple tied the knot on November 17, 1991.

She is actively involved in cancer awareness. Tessie also co-runs the Mudavadi Memorial Foundation Trust Fund.

In 2011, Tessie was diagnosed with breast cancer. She was treated and she has now recovered fully.

She is the mother to Musalia’s three children; Moses, Michael and Maryanne

Moses Mudavadi

He is the eldest of the three Mudavadi children. Although Moses loves to keep from the public eye, he is known to harbour political ambitions and often accompanies his father to rallies.

Michael Mudavadi

He is the second born.

He attended the University of Brighton where graduated with a Bachelor of Science (Business Management and Marketing). Michael also holds a Master of Science (Marketing) from the same institution.

He works for a leading marketing agency.

Michael loves rugby and occasionally goes to Rugby Football Union of East Africa (RFUEA) Grounds along Ngong Road, Nairobi, to watch games.

Maryanne Mudavadi

She is the last born in the veteran politician’s family. Maryanne holds a Bachelor of Science degree (Psychology) from the University of Sussex and a Masters degree in Human Resource Management from the same institution.

She interned at CPF Financial Services and at First Assurance Kenya Limited.

Maryanne volunteered at Musalia Mudavadi Foundation Trust (MMFT) and National Assembly Lady Spouses Association, Kenya (NALSA-K).

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